I often wonder where these people come from. The most recent outcry comes from an editorial on Medscape. I commented on the ignorance of the article, and my input was deleted. Medscape, of course, is funded by WebMD which itself is owned by KKR, a massive conglomerate partially owned by George Soros! The number of actual MEANINGFUL dangers from supplements and botanical or herbal medicines is so small that one is clearly in more danger of swallowing a turtle accidentally while driving by one crossing the road. But then along comes a little press release re a medical intervention that has been on the market for YEARS, harming women right and left, and is STILL being used…until this week anyway. The only conclusion one can draw is that Bayer pays lobbyists more $$$ than Orthomolecular can afford. And Medscape and WebMD use physicians as puppets. The ignorance of the cardiologist author of the anti vitamin editorial is simply numbing.